Saturday, November 26, 2011

Argos' How To... Roll A Joint

The MixThe Mix
This is often considered the most cruicial part of rolling a joint. Ensure that there are absolutely no lumpy bits in the mix. This will help greatly when rolling your joint.

The distribution of the mix in the paper is important as it determines the shape of your joint. Most joints are cone shaped so you are better off going for that shape. Whilst cone shapes are a little harder to roll they smoke a lot better.

The RoachThe Roach
Make sure that you put the roach in before you roll it up. It is a lot easier doing it before than trying to get it in afterwards and it also ensures that it is a perfect fit.

Rolling the JointRolling it up
This is the hardest and most fiddley bit of the process but spend sometime perfecting it and it'll come naturally later. Pick the whole thing up and starting in the middle begin rolling, moving outwards. Make sure you use your thumbs to do most of the rolling and use your forefingers for support and pressure.

Still RollingFinishing the Roll
Once you can feel that the mix is firm and of an even consistancy than with the tip of your thumbs tuck the bottom half underneath, lick the top half and wrap and seal the joint.

Finished JointThe Finished Product
Your joint is now ready to be smoked. The best joints are always quite firm but not so tight that you bust your lungs trying to inhale. If the joint is too loose it will burn way too fast and taste very rough.

Thank you

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