In New Hampshire, if a person is caught raking the beaches, picking up litter, hauling away trash, building a bench for the park and many other activities without a permit, he/she may be fined $150 for "maintaining the national forest without a permit".
In the State of Texas:
- Homosexual behavior is a misdemeanor offense.
- It is illegal for one to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel.
- It is illegal to sell one's eye.
- One must acknowledge a supreme being before being able to hold public office.
- Up to a felony charge can be levied for promoting the use of, or owning more than six dildos.
- In Dallas, it is illegal to possess realistic dildos.
- In Austin, wire cutters can not be carried in your pocket.
In California:
- Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.
- No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.
- It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.
- In Arcadia, Peacocks have the right of way to cross any street, including driveways.
- In Fresno, Elementary schools may not host poker tournaments.
- It is illegal to sell gasoline to a drunken person.
- Permanent markers may not be sold in the city limits.
- In Eureka (where I was born), a man with a moustache may not kiss a woman.
Information Provided By: Trigger &